Worksoft Certify can be integrated with HP ALM. This helps and ease the creation of reports and graphs for analysis of the test execution. To ensure comprehensive testing of the application under test, we can create and execute scripts from HP ALM. HP ALM also helps us in organizing the test scripts and to control the testing process.

Integration of HP ALM with Worksoft Certify is based on Worksoft Certify command line parameters. The execution capability of HP ALM processes is limited by the current capabilities of the Certify command line, which means it doesn’t support any manual steps.

Worksoft Certify supports integration with HP ALM v10.0, v11.x, and v12. x. The following steps are valid for Certify versions prior to 9.0.3. The steps required for latest version of Certify will be discussed in a separate blog.

Advantages of ALM:

  • Mapping manual test cases to automation.
  • Version tracking of automation suite.
  • Scheduling of test suite from ALM.
  • Certify results storage.
  • One stop repository of the entire automation reusable framework.


  1. Install the HP ALM Connectivity Add-On tool to the client machine
  2. Specify a user for HP ALM integration
  3. Create new Certify attributes
  4. Configure Certify and HP ALM integration
  • Installing HP ALM Connectivity Add-On Tool:
  1. Open the HP ALM Application Lifecycle Management(ALM) site.
  2. Click Tools.
  3. On the ALM Tools screen, click HP ALM Connectivity.
  4. On the HP ALM Connectivity screen, click Download HP ALM Connectivity.
  5. Save the exefile onto a local drive.

  • Specifying a User for HP ALM Integration:
  1. Open Worksoft Certify.
  2. From the Certify menu, Select Tools > Change Global Configuration.

The Global Configuration Settings dialog box opens.

  1. Scroll down to the QCIntegrationUser
  2. In the QCIntegrationUser field, type in a valid user name that has permission to execute processes.
  3. Click OK.
  4. The specified user will now be able to work on processes that are integrated with the HP ALM. Refer the below screenshot.

  • Adding Certify Results Attributes:

To integrate Certify with HP ALM, we need to add the following three result attributes to our Certify project:

  1. QC Test Set
  2. QC Test Name
  3. QC Test Run


  1. In the Certify Navigation pane, click Extensions.

                The Extensions window appears.

  1. In the Extensions Navigation tree, expand the Attributes folder.

                The Attributes folder expands to display Process, Requirement, and Results folders.

  1. Right-click on the Results folder and select New Attribute.

                The New Attribute dialog box appears.

  1. Create the following attributes:
  • QC Test Set
  • QC Test Name
  • QC Test Run
  1. In the Data Type field, all attributes need to have Text
  2. In the Control Type field, all attributes need to have Textbox
  3. Click OKafter you have created your attribute.
  • Updating the ALM Integration Configuration File:
  1. Open the CertifyBridge.ini file in any editor to edit few parameters. This file can be found under the path – WorksoftCertifyIntegration directory.
  2. Basically, CertifyBridge.ini file contains the command line parameters which can be modified for changing certain behavior of the tests running on the underlying machine.


[Command Line Parameters]      









[Certify Attributes]

AttributeList=QC TestSet ; QC TestName ; QC TestRun


  • Creating HP ALM Scripts for Certify Integration:
  1. In the left Navigation pane, click Test Plan.

  1. Select the folder where you want to keep your HP ALM Certify integration scripts.

  1. Click the New Test The New Test dialog box will appear.

  1. In the Test Type field, select VAPI-XP-TESTfrom the drop-down list.
  2. In the Test Name field, type a unique test name.
  3. Click OK.

The HP VAPI-XP Wizard appears.

  • Edit the ALM integration script:
    1. In ALM, select the script that you just created.
    2. In the right pane of HP ALM, click the Test Script
    3. Copy the code below and paste it under the TODO: put your code here section.


    Set objQCBridge = CreateObject(“CertifyBridge.QCBridge”

    ‘// configure the test parameters

    dim Project

    Project =”XXXX”

    dim Process

    Process = “Project: XXXXXXXXXRaj1.1 Integrational Process Process Name”

    ‘// Use Extra to optionally provide any needed certify parameters

    // Note that quotes around parameters need to be doubled within the Extra variable

    dim Extra

    ‘Extra = “”

    Extra = “/Recordset=””R1″” /RecordsetsMode=””Read Only”” /Layout=””L1″” “

    ‘ Start the bridge

    objQCBridge.StartExtra CurrentTestSet, CurrentTSTest, CurrentRun, Project, Process, Extra

    ‘ Return Result

    CurrentRun.Status = objQCBridge.RunStatus

    CurrentTSTest.Status = objQCBridge.RunStatus

    Within this new code above, edit the following parameters:

    Project – Type the name of the project in the Certify database.

    Process – Type the fully-qualified path name of the process that you want to run.


    Project =”Sales Project”

    Process = “Sales ProjectOrder To Cash (OTC)OTC_StandardOrderPDC”

    1. Save your changes.
    2. You are now ready to add a Certify process to HP ALM Test Plan.

To add a Certify process to a ALM Test Plan:

  1. In the HP ALM, click the Test Lab button.

  1. In the left pane, select the Default folder.
  2. In the toolbar, click Select Tests.
  3. In the Test Plan Tree tab, open the folder containing the test.
  4. Drag the test to the Execution Grid, By Clicking on Add test to Test Set.To run a certify process in HP ALM:
    1. Click the Test Labbutton in the ALM.  You must run the test from the Test Lab because you will receive a run time error if you execute the test from the Test Plan.
    2. In the Execution Grid, select your test and click Run. The Run screen appears.
    3. Select the Run All Tests Locallyoption and click Run.Contributed by Raj Bohidar

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