Guest House Management in Peoplesoft

Implementing Guest House Management in PeopleSoft

Guest house management is a module for managing reservations/bookings for guest houses and for any other types of accommodation an organization has in their property portfolio. Fully interactive software for guest house management allows you to effectively manage your guest house rooms, room inventory, food items, billing and organize them into different groups and types with a simple online booking mechanism with a check-in/check-out facility.

Guest house management was proposed to be introduced to one of the SOAIS customers.

Business Challenge-The main challenges were Book Guest House Rooms as per their availability, to Raise bill for Guest House Rooms for Personal bookings, to enter food sale details & raise its bills, All billing details gets to Finance automatically, Automatically create Customers, Auto create Pending Items, Auto Create Regular Deposit, Auto Create Voucher Entry, All billing details of Food & Guest House gets to Finance automatically.

Approach->SOAIS team has analyzed all the requirements and complete the BOLT-ON with below available features,

  • Available all setup pages like Guest House Item, Inventory of Rooms, Room types, Guest house rate, Food Items for Admin user to add/update.
  • Guests can book rooms as per availability on the desired date by giving his/her details and order food item by checking all available items and rates with tax if applicable.
  • One can book rooms Bulky and can generate Group Bill of a bunch of guest house bookings.
  • Other members of organization who are not staying in guest house room, they can also order food item and generate invoices for that day or within a date.
  • Rooms of Guest house can be set as in Maintenance for a date period and once done the status of Maintenance rooms can be set as closed.
  • You can check Daily basis occupied room and vacant room for all types of guest house available in your organization in the form of report.
  • Payment can be done by cash or other payment mode.
  • Easy user check-in and check-out procedures
  • Easily review a history of the bookings and reservations made in the form of reports.

Why You Should Choose Our Guest House Management

  • Our guest house management module is the ultimate room booking solution for small, medium, and large enterprises. An organization of any size having multiple guest houses/apartments across different locations can use it effectively for their employees to book rooms in real-time. This will ensure the availability of guest house rooms through enhanced transparency.
  • See for yourself what makes our guest house management module so special then contact us.
Guest house management
Guest house booking request


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